Your Hearing is important to us!
Take our Hearing Survey Below
Do you have difficulty understanding speech in a group of people: Y/N
Do you often ask that statement, questions, and directions be repeated? Y/N
Do you hear people speaking, but have difficulty understanding the words? Y/N
Must others ever raise their voices or move closer to help you hear them? Y/N
Do you have to turn the television up louder than normal to hear clearly? Y/N
Do you ever have to concentrate so much to listen that you tire from it? Y/N
Have you ever avoided a situation because of your hearing problem? Y/N
Do you have difficulty understanding conversations in the car? Y/N
Do you have difficulty understanding on the phone? Y/N
Do you hear some people better than others? Y/N
Calculate your results:
≤3 of yes= normal hearing. Getting a hearing evaluation is recommended annually to monitor the health of your hearing.
4-5 of yes= Possible mild/moderate issue. You may have a mild/moderate loss. A hearing evaluation is recommended.
<5 of yes=Hearing seems to be an issue for you. It could be affecting your interactions and overall life more than you think. We recommend an appointment for a hearing evaluation.
Types of Hearing Loss
Conductive: A conductive loss involves hearing loss solely due to the functionality of the bones in your ear and the eardrum. A conductive loss can be caused by a variety of things. Some common causes include:
Middle Ear Trauma-caused by prominent force to the ear drum. This could be due to an explosion, burn, or even from using cotton swabs. As Sandra says, “Never put anything smaller than your elbow in your ear.”
Otitus Media- This is more commonly known as an ear infection. This is often onset by a virus/bacterial infection. It causes the ear drum to swell and the middle ear to become filled with fluid. If not attended to appropriately it can rupture and lead to a temporary hearing loss. **Please keep in mind we are not doctors and cannot determine if you have an ear infection.
Sensorineural: Sensory and Neural losses and often referred together as Sensorineural but are actually two different forms of losses. Sensory loss involves damage to the Cochlea. Neural loss involves damage caused to the auditory nerve that carries the signal to the brain.
Central: Central hearing loss occurs in the auditory cortex of the brain.
Mixed: A mixed loss means there is a combination of losses: Conductive, Sensorineural, Central. An example of a mixed loss could be Presbycusis. This is caused by the natural aging process. Although it is typically a Sensorineural issue it can involve the entire ear, causing it to be a mixed loss.
Make sure you are facing the hard of hearing individual.
Speak slowly and articulate.
Use your diaphragm and use a lower tone.
Tips for speaking with a loved one that has hearing loss
Ear Protection
With out proper ear protection you leave your self susceptible to causing Noise Induced Loss
Noise induced hearing loss can be caused by a variety of occurrences, including (but not limited to):
Using headphones at loud volumes
Shooting weapons without protection
Work related
Factory, construction or any other work with constant or loud equipment
Sudden loud explosion​
It's simple to protect your ears. All you have to do is wear earplugs or proper noise eliminating equipment. Some specialized ear protection we offer includes:
Musician Impressions / devices
Custom Swimmers ear protection